Saturday, 27 November 1948
Isthmian League
St. Albans City
P - P

An eventful journey to Clarence Park, home of St. Albans City, started when the coach left Plough Lane at 2.30pm (“in good time”). Dense fog slowed progress to such an extent that by kick-off time the party were still five miles short of their destination and the driver had seen enough near misses and compulsory stops. A phone call to the opposition to inform them of the team’s plight found that the referee had already decided the game was unable to be played.

The coach turned around, but the fog resulted in many further stops and by 7.00pm they had reached Sheen, and the players were walking wearily along the road-side guiding the harassed driver around vehicles that had simply been abandoned. They finally arrived home after that impromptu training session at 8.00pm.