1st Team
Dave Beasant
1980/81 - 1987/88
Andy Clement
1986/87 - 1988/89
Alan Cork
1977/78 - 1991/92
Wally Downes
1976/77 - 1987/88
Carlton Fairweather
1984/85 - 1991/92
John Fashanu
1985/86 - 1993/94
Kevin Gage
1980/81 - 1986/87
Steve Galliers
1977/78 - 1987/88
John Gannon
1985/86 - 1987/88
Brian Gayle
1984/85 - 1987/88
Colin Gordon
Glyn Hodges
1980/81 - 1986/87
Vinnie Jones
1986/87 - 1998/99
Francis Joseph
1980/81 - 1986/87
John Kay
1984/85 - 1986/87
Mark Morris
1981/82 - 1986/87
Vaughan Ryan
1986/87 - 1991/92
Lawrie Sanchez
1984/85 - 1993/94
Andy Sayer
1983/84 - 1987/88
Mick Smith
1979/80 - 1986/87
Andy Thorn
1984/85 - 1995/96
Nigel Winterburn
1983/84 - 1986/87
Dennis Wise
1984/85 - 1989/90
1st Team - Friendlies and minor cups only
Stan Bowles
1982/83 - 1986/87
Peter Downes
Gerry Francis
1985/86 - 1986/87
Simon Tracey
1985/86 - 1995/96
Friends Of Fulham Ladies
Pat Barber
1979/80 - 1987/88
Fiona Curl
1980/81 - 1995/96
Pauline Donaldson
Jan Friend
1983/84 - 1988/89
Lori Hoey
1979/80 - 1991/92
Cathy Hynes
1980/81 - 1989/90
Sally Jackson
1984/85 - 1986/87
Lynn Jacobs
1984/85 - 2002/03
Gill Maskell
1982/83 - 1986/87
Cheryl McAdam
1975/76 - 1989/90
Kim Nye
1985/86 - 1986/87
Marcia Philpotts
1985/86 - 1987/88
Julie Sanderson
1983/84 - 1986/87
Carmen Sandmann
1980/81 - 1987/88
Brenda Sempare
1980/81 - 1991/92
Marieanne Spacey
1980/81 - 1992/93
Terry Springett
1985/86 - 1992/93
Liz Walley
1985/86 - 1990/91
Terri Wiseman
1984/85 - 1991/92
46 players found